He (8 January 1942-14 March 2018) was an English Theoretical
Physicist, cosmologist, and author, who was director of research at the Centre
for Theoretical cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his
death. He was the Lucasian Professor of
Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.
His scientific works included a collaboration with Roger
Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the frame work of general
relativity and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit the radiation,
often called Hawking Radiation. Hawking was the first to setout a theory of
cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum
mechanics. He was the vigorous supporter of the many worlds interpretation of
quantum mechanics.
Hawking achieved commercial success with several works of
popular science in which he discuss his own theory and cosmology in general. His
book A Brief History Of Time appeared on the British Sunday Times Best seller
list for a record breaking 237 weeks. Hawking was the Fellow of the Royal Society(FRS),
A life time member of the Pontifical
Academy of Sciences and a recipient of the presidential medal of freedom, the
highest civilian awarded in the United States. In 2002, Hawking was ranked a number
25 in the BBC’s poll of the 100 Greatest Britons. Hawking had a rare early –onset
slow –Progressing form of motor neurone disease(also known as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ‘’ALS’’ or Lou
Gehrig’s disease) that gradually paralyzed him over the decades. Even after the
loss of his speech, he was still able to communicate through a speech
generating device, initially through use of a hand held switch, and eventually
by using single cheek muscle. He died on 14 March 2018 at the age of 76.
Some important discoveries of Stephen Hawking:
1. Singularity
Einstein's theory also tells about
singularity,that is where the space time appeared to be infinite curve but at
that time it was unclear that
singularity was real or not, later Roger Penrose proved that singularity would
indeed form in black hole later, Stephen hawking did path breaking work on
singularities and applied it for whole universe and told that gravitational
force produces singularities. He also told that Einstein's theory produced a
singularity that is the big bang and hawking proved it mathematically.
2. Cosmic Inflation theory 1982
This theory was introduced by Alan goth in
1980. That is, in physical cosmology cosmic inflation is a theory in which the
universe expands exponentially soon after the big bang. Further Hawking was one
of the first who calculated quantum fluctuations which means the small
variation in the distribution of matter and shows that, during inflation, it
might give rise to the spread of galaxies in the universe.
3. Model on the wave function of the universe
Stephen hawking was interested in
establishing a quantum theory of gravity, but with James hartle, he published
a model, the hartle - hawking state in
This theory states that, time did not exist
before the big bang explosion and hence the concept of beginning of the universe
is meaningless. The universe does not have any initial boundaries in time or space.
4. Top-down theory on cosmology 2006
Along with Thomas hertog, he proposed a
theory “top-down cosmology" in 2006. It proposed that the universe had not one unique initial state but consisted of a superposition of many possible initial conditions. several other books were also
published like “the universe in a nutshell”, “God created the integers: Mathematical
breakthrough that changed history" in 2005 etc.
Law of Black
Hole Mechanics
Stephen hawking discovered the law of
mechanics in 1971 – 1972. His first law states that the total surface area of
the black hole will never get smaller. It is also known as the hawking area
theorem. Another law states that, Black hole were hot. But it is a
contradiction of classical physics which states that black hole doesn’t radiate
heat. Another law is no gain theorem of black holes, which states that black
hole can be characterized by three numbers; their mass, angular momentum and
One more law is, black holes emit the radiation,
which may continue till they exhaust their energy and evaporates. Which is also
called as hawking radiation. In 1971 he won the prestigious gravity research
foundation award for his essay black hole.
Hawking had a rare early onset slow
progressing form of motor neuron disease or ALS, that gradually paralyzed him
over the decades. The diagnosis of ALS came when he was at 21 in 1963. At the
time doctors gave him a life expectancy of two years. In 1960’s his physical
abilities declined, he began to use a crutch and as he lost the ability to write he
developed compensatory visual methods including seeing equations in terms of
geometry and at last he lost his voice and control over his body and he stick
into a wheel chair at his younger age only, but his brain was still awake and
active and it created magic all over the world. The entire world was shocked
because of the discoveries and achievements of a parlayed man, and he became
the pole star of physics.
When hawking was a graduate student he met
jane wild before his diagnosis of ALS, and the couple became engaged in 1964
and they got 3 children, Robert, Lucy and timothy. But in 1980 they got
separated after that he married Mason and this marriage also broke down soon.
- · Adams prize (1966)
- · Eddington medal (1975)
- · Maxwell medal and prize (1976)
- · Heineman prize (1976)
- · Hughes medal (1976)
- · Albert Einstein award (1978)
- · RAS gold medal (1985)
- · Dirac medal (1987)
- · Wolf prize (1988)
- · Prince of Austria’s award (1989)
- · Andrew garment award (1998)
- · Naylor prize and lectureship (1999)
- · Lilienfeld prize (1999)
- · Presidential medal of freedom (2016)
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